All the Lies We Tell Read online

Page 5

  “Dammit, stop treating me and everyone else here like we’re stupid and tell us who the hell it was. We deserve to know!” Tyree could tell Mia’s blood was boiling, but he got such a bad feeling about whoever it was.

  “It’s time to go.” Tyree pulled her arm a little rougher than he meant to and she stumbled into him. He felt horrible witnessing the look on her face. He had never handled her like that, and he knew he was wrong. He just wanted to get her out of there before something dangerous popped off. He knew Terence, and for him to react the way he did meant there was something crazy about to happen.

  Mia gave up her argument and followed Tyree toward the entrance, but he could tell the damage was already done. He knew he was going to have to do a hell of a lot to get back into her good graces after this. He didn’t know what came over him. All he knew was the thought of something happening that he couldn’t protect her from made him a little crazy.

  When they got to the entrance that led to the lobby, he stopped and took her chin in his hand. “Listen, I’m sorry. I never meant to jerk you like that, and I would never hurt you. I just got a little excited, but it’s no excuse.” She remained quiet, and he searched her eyes for a reaction and got nothing. All she held was a blank stare. “Baby? You okay?”

  She opened her mouth and closed it, and he was confused. He felt her hands shaking before she swallowed hard. He tried to coach her into saying whatever was on her mind, but she shook her head, leaving him even more puzzled. Looking into her eyes, he noticed that she was staring at something behind him. When he turned around, he felt his anger boil over. Jake was there, tossing an envelope on the table he vacated, heading in their direction.

  “Dimples.” Jake smiled, approaching Mia and Tyree.

  Mia said his name quietly, and Tyree stood in front of her, blocking Jake’s access. “Mia, go to the car,” he snarled, and she shook behind him. He knew his attitude tonight was probably making her nervous, but he couldn’t pull back. His emotions were running too high. When she didn’t make a move, his voice got louder. “Mia, go.”

  She shuffled her feet, and by this time Terence and Asha were right behind them. “Asha, Mia, go to the car please,” Terence requested quietly, and Asha grabbed Mia’s hand. When Jake began to laugh, the tension hit an all-time high. Terence stopped trying to usher the girls out and turned to his enraged friend.

  As the rest of the group approached, Rock placed himself between Tyree and Jake, trying to diffuse the situation. Wrapping his arms around Tyree and whispering to him was proving to be helpful. Tyree felt himself growing relaxed listening to Rock’s soothing voice. He seemed to know exactly what to say to bring him back to a calm state.

  While Tyree tried to keep his focus on Rock, he couldn’t help but notice a man sneaking away from Jake’s table with the envelope he’d dropped there. It was as if he was waiting to slip over until he’d vacated the table. He found himself wondering if talking to them was all just a ruse. He somehow felt like Jake’s presence meant more than whatever bullshit he was spouting right now. He felt like there was a deeper meaning. He figured it had something to do with getting Mia back, but he felt like there was so much more below the surface. There had to be for him to come back after all these years.

  Jake was still laughing, pretty much taunting Tyree, but he managed to present with a confident smile. Turning to Mia and grabbing her hand, he pulled her to his side. “Baby, let’s go home. We’re done here.” Asha rushed out and told the valets to get their cars immediately. With the way things were escalating, they all knew having the cars there would be the best option.

  Mia, who had remained quiet through the whole ordeal, squeezed his hand and leaned into his side. He felt relieved by her gesture and headed past Jake. They were almost out the door with everyone trailing behind him when Jake uttered a statement that had Tyree right in his face.

  “Dimples, it was good seeing you. Maybe you could stop by the room later, and we can catch up. I missed you, girl.”

  Before anyone could grasp the situation, Tyree had Jake by the collar. “Don’t address my wife ever again.”

  “What’s wrong? Afraid she’ll see through your violent ass and come back to the only man who ever put her needs first? She was my top priority. What was she to you, option one for now?”

  Mia put her hands on Tyree’s shoulders and tried to talk him down. “Let’s just go. He’s wrong. You know he’s just saying this to get to you.”

  “Oh, really, Dimples? How can you leave with this man knowing you can’t even be yourself around him?” Mia didn’t have the chance to respond before Tyree punched Jake and drew back a bloody hand. Jake’s body was sprawled over a table, and all Tyree saw was red. He took note of the broken dishes and the table that split in half when Jake fell, and he got the sudden urge to hit him again. Just as he rushed back toward him, the guys pulled Tyree out of the restaurant while Mia held her hand over her mouth.

  Rock tossed Tyree into his car, and Mia got into the car with Asha and Terence. The rides were impeccably quiet between Mia, Asha, and Terence while Rock, on the other hand, had a lot to say in the car with Tyree. Tyree was rolling his eyes while Karen looked on disappointedly.

  * * *

  “What in the hell were you thinking? We can’t have you losing your head like that. You know the press is just looking for the next big story on this family,” Rock fumed while everyone else just sat quietly.

  “He pissed me off.” Looking out the window instead of at Rock, Tyree tried to dial down his anger. “He shouldn’t be here.”

  “Yes, and you shouldn’t have let him get to you. You have the woman. He is just trying to get in your head, and you let him.”

  “I know. I’m just . . . dammit . . . I just fucked up.”

  “Look, I know I’m not your father but—”

  “You’re right. You’re not him. You are so much better than him.”

  “I just want you to know you can talk to me. Next time, I want you to come to me before you lose your head.”

  “I know. I was wrong, and I should have never pulled on Mia like that. I never want her to be afraid of me, and tonight I think I scared her. I’ll never forget the look on her face.”

  “You just get passionate about things. She knows you love her, and I’m sure she’s not afraid of you. She may be pissed, but she’s not afraid. That girl of yours is resilient. You’re probably in for one hell of a night, but you guys will be okay.”

  The car had grown silent until Kiyoko voiced her opinion. “Well, son, I think it was just amazing when you slugged that son of a bitch. He deserved it for hitting on your wife.”

  Tyree had never known his grandmother to speak so candidly, but he had to admit it made him smile. She placed her hand on his leg and patted it. This made him feel like everything would be okay.

  Tyree chuckled and addressed both Rock’s and Kiyoko’s statements, and began to believe things would be fine. “You’re probably right. I’m not looking forward to the kissing up I’m about to have to do, Rock, and yes, Grandmother, he deserved it and worse for all he did.” Tyree looked out the window as they pulled into the back entrance to their house. They noticed a slew of reporters on the front lawn and Tyree huffed. Stepping out of the car, he noticed that Mia was already home, and he sighed loudly. He knew as soon as he walked in the door he would be in for it.

  Chapter Eight

  Tyree walked into the house, and it was like the Twilight Zone. Asha and Terence were sitting on the couch, talking, while Mia was quiet with the same blank stare he witnessed at the restaurant. Making his way over to her, he prayed she would understand and not hold his actions against him. He bent down and reached for her hand, which she promptly withdrew.

  He got on his knees in front of her. He placed his hands on her face and forced her to look at him. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why—”

  She stood, making him fall back, and he looked up at her, confused. “Shut up. You’re not sorry. You meant to hit him. You i
ntended to cause a scene and embarrass the hell out of us. I’m not about to talk about this right now. Don’t follow me, and don’t wake our son. He’s sleeping and doesn’t need this bullshit tonight.” Her outburst helped to clear the room, and everyone disappeared as she rushed past Tyree and up the stairs. When the door to the bedroom slammed, Tyree made his way up, pausing before twisting the knob.

  Inside the room, there was nothing but darkness with the moonlight streaming in. He could make out her figure sitting on the edge of the bed, and he reached out to touch her after undressing himself to nothing but his boxers. When she recoiled from his touch, he dropped his head in frustration. “Dammit, Mia, can we talk? Will you just yell at me and get it over with? I’m tired, and it’s been a long day. I just want to shower and lie next to you.”

  He ran his hand down her back, and she snapped. “Don’t touch me. You manhandled me in public and made an ass of yourself. Are you seriously expecting me to just lie next to you? You’re out of your mind.”

  “I told you I didn’t mean it, baby. I just . . . I let him get to me.”

  “Why?” she screamed, and he could feel his past anger boiling out. He knew he should be over it, but he had just learned how to hide it over the past few years. The rejection he felt when it came to Jake would always be with him.

  “Because of you!”

  “You’re blaming me? How in the hell is this my fault?”

  “You left! I try to act like I’m okay with it, and for the most part, I am, but that doesn’t change the fact that you left me for him.”

  “Not this shit again,” she yelled. “At some point, you need to get over that. I messed up! We both screwed up, but it’s been years, and you said you forgave me.”

  “I did.”

  “You couldn’t have. You keep bringing it up, and I’m tired of feeling like you blame me for everything.”

  “I don’t. I’m just stupid. Come on, baby, we have been doing so well. Let’s just forget all this and get back to where we were before we ran into him.” He ran his hand down her cheek, and she closed her eyes before pulling away. He hated how insecure he allowed himself to become.

  “Stop. Stop drawing me back in. I’m pissed, and this isn’t going to happen tonight.”

  “Just give me a chance.” He leaned in, kissing her forcefully, and she responded with an intensity that shocked him. He allowed himself to get comfortable, and he pushed her back on the bed. It took her only a second to realize what was happening, and she pushed him away, wielding a pillow.

  “Get out.”

  “What? What do you mean get out?”

  “Get out of my room, Tyree. I want you out of here now.”

  Tyree threw his hand over his face and rolled back on the bed. “Fine. I’ll give you a little time, but I’ll be back in a few minutes. We will finish this tonight.”

  “You’re not coming back. I want you to sleep down the hall.” She jumped up and reached for the door. Just as she was about to pull it open, he grabbed her arm.

  “Now, you wait just one minute.”

  “Let me go.”

  “You’re not putting me out of our room. I’m going to sit here, and we are going to end this now.”

  She pulled away and stumbled into the door. He reached out to catch her, and they both ended up pinned against it. Her breathing was heavy, and he could sense the uncertainty in her as he leaned in and claimed her lips once again.

  She pushed at him, but he didn’t relent, forcing his lips harder against hers. No matter how hard he pushed, she wouldn’t kiss him back, and he drew his lips away in frustration. Looking into her eyes, he saw the confusion and anger, and he decided not to stop there. Finding his way to her neck, he kissed the spot that always made her cave. When she still didn’t react, he knew he had to take things a step further.

  “I know you want to be mad, and I know I deserve that, but I need you. I need to know that we’re okay. Please?”

  “Just stop,” she hissed. “I just want—”

  He kissed her neck, interrupting her statement.

  “I want . . .”

  He dropped to his knees and swung her legs over his shoulders. He ripped her panties in one movement, and as his breath tickled her center, she tried to speak again.

  “I want . . . Shit.” She bit down on her lip when his tongue invaded her most private area. “Fuck, that feels . . . uh . . .”

  Tyree smirked against her flesh, knowing she was giving in. “I’m sorry, baby. Say we’re okay.”

  “I . . . I can’t,” she uttered quietly. “You can’t just use sex to make me forget. I’m still angry.”

  Not taking no for an answer, Tyree pulled her legs down and stood before her. He saw the passion twinkle in her eyes, and he knew he was on the right track. Pushing his boxers down, he stood pressed against her and snatched her legs up around his waist. Before she could put up a fight, he buried himself inside her and stilled her heavy breathing.

  Thrusting himself in and out of her, he felt her body relaxing, and he let loose. He was slamming her into the door, and he heard it rattling loudly. She wasn’t herself, but he had a plan to change that. Pulling her away from the door, he sat her on top of the dresser and pushed himself as deep as he could possibly go. Running a hand through her hair, he tugged hard, causing a loud moan to escape her lips.

  “You done being angry?” He threw his hips forward and held her tighter. She was panting, unable to form a word, and he rolled his hips harder into her, their bodies molding each other. He could feel her uneven breathing on his cheek, and he forced her lips apart. Plunging his tongue into her mouth, he massaged hers and tasted the screams threatening to escape.

  Even with all that, she still wasn’t as responsive as he wanted. Running out of options, he bent down, capturing her breast between his lips. Taking her hardened bud and twirling it around with his tongue seemed to do the trick, because by that time, she dug her nails into his back and wrapped her legs tighter around his waist. She also allowed his hands to glide down and grip her from behind. He felt her throbbing around him and was slowly losing what little resolve he had left. He wanted to move freely, but the part of him that needed them on the same level held back. He needed more cooperation on her part.

  Pulling her in and out, and rubbing himself roughly against her, he heard what he had been waiting to hear all night. She leaned in and nibbled on his ear, whispering what he thought was the best thing he could ever hear in his life. He would never grow tired of hearing her say she loved him while he was inside her. It made his night, and he took her from the dresser to the bed. Pulling her legs tighter around him, he delighted in the pulsations emitted by both of their eager bodies. Never had he been so happy to find the bed as he was at that moment.

  “I love you too, kitten.” He kissed her neck, taking a seat on the bed, allowing her to be on top. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and she pushed him back, sliding her hands up his chest. Tyree closed his eyes and got lost in the sensation tingling through him. His hands found a place around her hips, and he swore he felt her push harder.

  He always loved when she took charge and rode him, but this was different. He could feel her palms trembling on his chest and her body quivering with each thrust, but she never slowed down. Each time, she pushed her body down and filled herself with him completely and slid back up. Feeling his climax approaching, he grabbed her neck, pulling her down to meet his lips. Her breasts crushed into his chest as she continued moving against him, and he kept his hand planted on her body, running up and down her smooth skin.

  Holding her body like she would get up and run away, he forced her to come down harder against him. When he felt her breasts graze over his lips, he took the chance to pleasure her with his mouth. She moaned, and he could tell she was holding back, so he took more of her into his mouth. She stilled her movement only for a second to gather herself and he could tell she was getting closer. He loved it when she was almost at her breaking point. It made everyt
hing so much more intense. He saw her head swinging from side to side, and he reached for her hair. Pulling her hair was something she loved, and he made sure to take advantage of it.

  With each thrust, Tyree felt himself drawing closer and closer, and he stopped her to catch his breath. Holding her in place, he ran his hands up and down her back. She smiled at him, and he felt his heart melt. She was so beautiful in that moment, and he couldn’t help but smile back.

  “Thank you.”

  “For what?” she asked, looking puzzled.

  “For being here. For loving me like you do.”

  “It’s not hard when you love me back just as much.” She ran a hand over his cheek, and he kissed the inside of her shoulder just above the breast. Slowly, she began to move, causing loud exclamations to roll off his tongue.

  “Shh, you’ll wake Ky.”

  “I can’t help it, baby.” He kissed her neck, and she dug her nails deep into his chest. He began to thrust upward, and she raked her nails over him, leaving red trails. “You feel so good.” Moving together, he felt his climax building back up. Pulling her hair roughly, he pushed into her harder. He could hear their skin smacking together, and just as he was about ready to erupt, she screamed and shuddered above him. Feeling the quakes of her body gave him the most glorious sensation, and he erupted inside her.

  Collapsing on his chest, Mia ran her hands up and down his arms. He let her breathing regulate and decided they needed to talk about things before either of them fell asleep. He knew he was wrong about most of it, but the comment Jake made was eating away at him. He needed clarification on some things.

  “Kitten, can we talk?”

  “Baby, I’m sleepy. Can it just wait?”

  Kissing the top of her head, he tilted her chin to look him in the eye. “You know it can’t. I can’t say it enough, but I’m sorry for acting the way I did. I was wrong for grabbing you and for raising my voice. It will never happen again.”

  “None of that matters. I know it wasn’t intentional, and I was really never mad about that.”